Saturday, December 3, 2011

Photomontage 3

For the final photomontage we created in my Photoshop class we were asked to create a picture and think of a phrase for it. I chose one main picture and then layered different materials over and under the picture. I burned the edges of a piece of resume paper and then scanned it into the computer. The grey designs were actually taken from a crumpled piece of cellophane, being scanned into the computer. I made sure to crop the lighter parts out so that only the dark places were left. The main picture was a shot of a bay on Long Island in New York. 

The concept of the picture was that no matter how distorted or ugly something looks from the surface, there's always beauty underneath. The outline of the sunflower to the right and the main picture represent the beauty, and even though they are torn and burned they are still beautiful under all the ugly. 

I loved doing this project! Hope you like this one as much as I do! =)

Medium Used: Adobe Photoshop

Photomontage 2

This was the second photomontage I did in my Photoshop class. Our assignment was to take our own personal photos that we have taken and create a photomontage of something we like to do or are passionate about, based off of one word. I chose the word 'travel'. The pictures I chose were from different places I have been. The sky part of the pictures was a sunset I took from a plane leaving my trip in Puerto Rico. The water in the background in the bottom is also from Puerto Rico. The cityscape, as well as the Statue of Liberty, were both taken in New York. The train was from my trip to Switzerland and the passport, ticket, and money were things I had from these trips. 

I used Photoshop to create this print and used a lot of layers to place the pictures where I wanted them. I used the cut tool in order to cut the parts of the picture that I wanted. 

Medium Used: Adobe Photoshop

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Photomontage 1

In my Photoshop class, we were asked to take a quote or song lyrics and make a layered look using real life items that were scanned into the computer and then cut up among the picture. My quote I used was "You've got it and just like that it's gone. Like a day in a dream that wakes up to thunder." I scanned in a torn piece of paper in which I put the actual lyrics on. I used a necklace to border the paper that I had scanned in and then cut on Photoshop.

Medium Used: Adobe Photoshop

Business Card Design

In my Graphic Design 1 class we created our own business cards. We spent several class periods sketching out designs and then designing them in Illustrator. After picking our design, we picked our paper and got to work! Check it out!

Medium Used: Adobe Illustrator

Drawing I Final Project

This was my Drawing I final project. We were assigned to cut out pictures from magazines that had a good amount of detail to them. Then we created a collage and copied it onto the copier machine and enlarged it. Using special paper we then drew out the image larger than was created on the copier. I used techniques like etching and shadowing that I learned in my class.
Mediums used: Ebony Pencils and regular pencils

Self Portrait Assignment

This is a self portrait of myself with a friends Boxer puppy, Turner. It is drawn from a photo using Adobe Illustrator.
Medium used: Adobe Illustrator

Baked Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream

This was my first project in my Vector Imaging class. We had to take a consumer product and take a picture of it and load it onto Adobe Illustrator and then vectorize it. It required a long amount of time due to all the little details.
Medium: Adobe Illustrator

*Summer 2009 Ole Miss Student Juried Art Show Entry Winner
*Spring 2012 Chosen to help represent Vector Imaging classes for NASAD's visit to Ole Miss


Shallow Space Assignment

This image is based on a shallow space. It is the third image in the series. Using Illustrator I used the paintbrush tool to create a shallow image of tree branches in the winter time.
Medium used: Adobe Illustrator

Decorative Space Assignment

This computer image was also done in my Vector Imaging class. It is the decorative space image of the series. I based it off of a pattern of a snowflake that I drew using Illustrator and then enlarged it.
Mediums used: Adobe Illustrator

Deep Space Assignment

This computer image was done in my Vector Imaging class that I’m taking this semester. This was a deep space image using the paintbrush tool in Adobe Illustrator. Many people’s interpretations have been very different as to what this is. What’s it look like to you? It was influenced by George Seurat’s paintings.
Medium used: Adobe Illustrator