Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Printmaking Class

All of these prints were made in my printmaking class this past spring. We did monotypes, collagraphs, drypoint, line etching, and serigraph/silkscreening. Below are my best prints of each different type of printing technique.

Reduction Monotype

Addition Monotype

Combination Monotype


Plastic Plate Drypoint

Zinc Plate with Line Etching

Serigraph (Silkscreen)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Stamp Design

This was my favorite project of my Graphic Design 2 class. We had to design a stamp for present day by going back in time and recreating it from a specific year . We had to research different time periods and what was going on in that year. I chose to do a stamp from 1939, which was when the World's Fair was in New York. I chose to do this, because my grandmother lived in New York at this time, and had recently talked about going to the World's Fair. I made sure to use the Trylon and Perisphere, which was a major representation of the fair. I also google imaged a picture of the "1939 New York Skyline" that I outlined and put on the stamp. I had a lot of fun creating this in Illustrator and liked cutting the outline of the in a stamp shape.

Irish Spring Soap Box and Ad Design

For this project, in Graphic Design 2, my class was asked to bring in an item we had at home that had poor package design. As a class, we chose the Irish Spring soap box, pictured below. Using Illustrator, we recreated the soap box, using our own ideas and creativity, and then make ad campaign flyer's for Irish Spring. We actually printed, cut, and then folded the box and took pictures of it, to place on our ads, which was different and something I had never done before.

End Poverty Campaign Poster

This was one of my least favorite projects I did. I don't think it turned out well and the planning and concept was clear; but, here it is. We had to take a bad trait/concept and make people aware of it. I chose to do poverty, because that's something that more people than we know in the United States suffer from. It's something that surrounds us and we don't realize it; and we need to do all we can to help our neighbors. Illustrator and Photoshop were both used for this project in my Graphic Design 2 class.

Resume Album Cover

This was a fun project! This was done in my Graphic Design 2 class, as well. We took our resume and design it into a album cover. This was designed in Illustrator. I had to take a picture of this piece and download it on to my computer to put on my blog, hence why it's hard to read.. but I think the general idea is there.

Book Cover Design

This was another piece for my Graphic Design 2 class. We made book covers for our favorite graphic design class we had taken so far in school. Mine was and always will be my Vector Imaging class. I took different pieces that I had done well on and made a book cover with them. We used InDesign for this project.